Look at the Service status section to make sure it's running.
Look for the Application Identity service and double click on it.
Repeat step 1 to step 4 in the previous method to open the Services window.
If not, please change the startup type and then click Apply and OK to save the changes.
Make sure either Manual or Automatic is selected.
Please click on the Start button if it’s not running.
Double click on it and navigate to the Startup type section.
Scroll down to find Windows Update in the services list.
Click on the OK button below or press Enter.
Right click on the Start button (represented by a Windows logo) in the lower left corner of your PC screen.
Please keep reading to master the following solutions. What’s more important than wondering why is how to fix the problem - programs won't open Windows 10. The possible causes could be: software conflict, framework corruption, shortcut damage, Windows update, etc. People are wondering - why are my apps not opening - when they find the computer won't open any programs Windows 10.